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Image by Rosie Sun

Featured Work

Some of my short fiction pieces are based off the characters in my novels-in-progress. Check them out to learn more about the universe I'm building!

Child's Play

It was difficult being a single dad — but even more difficult being a single dad to a vampire.


At first, Keith didn’t believe his eight-year-old daughter when she came up to him and told him, straight-faced — her blue eyes that stuck out from her thin, pale face wide and serious —  that she had been doing research and figured out why she was sick all the time: she was a vampire.

Image by Bangsal Nam
Image by Cullan Smith
Image by Cullan Smith

Fired Up

Today was the day.


 Every faerie looked forward to their fifth birthday, and Kerria was no exception. In fact, as she sat up in bed and threw aside her fluffy pink comforter, she knew she was more excited than any other Fae could possibly be; after all, she’d been waiting two years since her older sister got her gift, and it proved to be a gift fit for a Spring Court princess:


She could talk to animals!

Fall From Grace

Fourteen-year-old Azalea knew her life had truly started the day of her first murder.


Contrary to her brother’s belief, it wasn’t intentional. But sure, looking at the facts that he so graciously pointed out, she had been given the assignment that afternoon to collect herbs and vegetables from the gardens for supper, along with a few of the other girls her age. 

Image by Ricardo Cruz
Image by Cullan Smith
Image by Johannes Plenio

To Mend Your Ways

Cazimir watched intently as the spider twitched.


He had thought after his sister had walloped it with her shoe (accompanied by the slap that drew him from his bedroom to the dining hall in the first place) that it would be dead. But it was holding on quite impressively, its spindly legs spasming as it lay on its back.

Eldest; Youngest

Cazimir was everything Exodus was not. There were some days Exodus appreciated this fact; others, he hated it—like now, as the family sat around the dinner table.

Image by youssef naddam
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